Marvel Studios preemptively produces the Avengers Infinity War film at World Box Office. The adventures of superheroes to save them from the villain Thanos, the shaggling scenes ... huge visual effects, music and all the sections hooked the audience. However, the copy of the movie is now being heard. Some comments are being made that the Infinity War has been created to raise the scenes in the Harry Potter series.
Particularly infinite scenes in Infini are trolling in social media compared with scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The central quest in the Harry Potter series .. The Voldemort dying scene .. The comparisons between the Demoners-Redskell argue that the Madu Moody's eye is copied to the naked eye. Others are explaining that royalty should be taken from JK Rowling (Harry Potter's writer). If that's the case, the Avengers continue to wane in the Indian market along with the overseas market. The first day was Rs. 30 crores (released only on 2000 thousand screens), the film is going to be a huge grosser in the weekend.