Leave Me:: Kim

Leave Me:: Kim

Washington: Hollywood Reality TV star and actress Kim Kardashian met with US President Donald Trump. She asked the trump to apologize to her granddaughter. Alice Marie Johnson (63) was arrested by the American police in the drugs case. However, recently the trump was boxed for boxer and asked the actress the trump to show her compassion for her grandmother.

Jereth Kushnar, actress of the trumpet, has been discussing the case with Mary Johnson, The Karatean appealed to the court to reopen the case of Drugs, who had recently been recruited to President John Truman. The Donald Trump tweeted that the meeting with the Kardashian was great, discussing prison sentences and reforms.

Kim Kardashian congratulates her granddaughter at the birthday of Mary Johnson on Wednesday (May 30). In 1996, the court had sentenced him to life imprisonment without giving parole to Johnson, who was accused of drugs case. The actress Kim Kardashian, who met Trump, said she had been jailed for the last two decades and it was time for her to make a good decision now.
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